Food For Thought
/The Style | Learning From Relating
Astro Inspo Via Saint Laurent
I thought everyone could take something from my horoscope today :) Think about it!
" Valid during several weeks: At this time you should learn more about yourself through intimate one-to-one encounters with others. If you are married or in a close relationship, use this time to examine your relationship with your partner and to discover what needs this relationship does and does not fill in your life. Try to discover how well you fill your partner's needs as well. In any seventh-house relationship, whether it is a marriage, business partnership or other kind of partnership, you and your partner function as a unit, either in a specific area, as with a business partner, or in all areas, as with a spouse. For your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as he is for you. This is not a time when you should try to go it alone in any type of activity. You should try to work with someone else, or at least seek out the opinion of another person in an advisory capacity."
More Astro Inspo via <3
Via My Favorite