Beauty by definition.
1:The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit: loveliness
2:A beautiful person or thing; especially: a beautiful woman
3: A particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality
4: A brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance
The concept of beauty is something that is truly fascinating and a relevant and recurring topic in my life. My chosen path is one where on a daily basis others decided if I had whatever beautiful traits they desire for their specific purpose. After years of this you begin, (or you should), to question who decides, and what makes these traits admirable? Not to mention , why should I listen to them. These are questions I plan on spending a lot longer thinking about as I see my opinions evolve. However, in the process of learning, I recommend a very relevant book by Ashley Mears, a model turned sociologist. In Pricing Beauty, Mears asks pertinent questions and dissects the business of literally “pricing beauty. In the spirit of exploring those ideas I wanted to look back and remember just a few moments in fashion that pushed the status quo and made me double take and love it just a little more! Xxx
Andrej Pejic