Dream Weaver
/The Style
The Air
On my mind: Learning to ask for what you really want can be one of the most challenging concepts when trying not to offend, or overstep boundaries. This could be asking for a raise, asking for clarity, or simply asking for help, it comes up everyday, and isn’t going anywhere.
*On My Paws *
I read a lot of reviews about the Deborah Lippmann Gel Lab kit before purchasing it a few days ago, and to be honest it exceeded my expectations. I feel really undone without a nice mani, but it really is a little excessive to get one once a week, at about $25 a pop here in NYC. In College, I taught myself how to do my own nails pretty well, being secluded in the mountains it became my one thing to regain my sanity. The kit is DIY and really easy to use. Buy This Now.
DIY Gel Lab
Dream Weaver