Be Cool Like Chloe'
/The Style
Spring Snap! Today in Tompkins Sq. Park
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I found my favorite bench in Tompkins Square Park, and let Chloe Sevigny take me through her past, on picture at a time. I'm playing around a lot with the idea of finding identity in one, personal style, and two, New York City as a whole. Something about Chloe's pictures really spoke to what it could look like to "search" for you're identity if you had to lay it all out in front of you once you knew. You could just feel the wild child in her, and through her unusually unconventional outfit pairings, see her true love for creating her own world within one of the biggest cities. Predictability would be the last word one would use to describe her personal style, and the lack there of, speaks to her confidence as a true trend setter. Must have on you're coffee table. xxx C
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