#The Selfie Revolution
We live in a world where hash tagging is the norm, selfies are a daily way of life, and social media as an overall whole, is almost just as important to winning fashion street cred as talent. The concept of personal promotion has taken a whole new meaning with brands such as Calvin Klein capitalizing on the publics selfie obsession in their recent #mycalvins add campaign. In an effort to better understand what I will call the selfie revolution I dug deep within in myself, (not that deep), found my funny bone, and went out in the field (my apartment) to better understand the types of selfies that exist and where they originated.
The Kim K.
The Kim K.
It’s Tuesday morning and you woke up like this. Full face of makeup beaten to the gods and a lot of booty that you are determined to show the world. You probably had a crazy night out either making sex tapes, or just being a general slore bag, for you my friend is the Kim K.
The Myspace
The Myspace
You are 13, vulnerable, faking tits that aren't there, and think you're beyond sexy. (a SVU victim waiting to happen.) :0
The Bathroom Selfie (the unconventional way...)
The Bathroom Selfie
(not usually taken from this angle)
The " I woke Up Like This"
The " I woke up like this"
F*ck my padding fell out outtake
Original Bathroom Selfie
The Original Bathroom Selfie
I hope you enjoyed The Selfie Revolution by yours truly, next time you think you look hot enough to take a SELFIE remember these images and put the phone down.